I was disappointed when there were no plans to release a strategy guide for
.hack//G.U. volume 2 in the US, so I ordered this and the guide for #2 as well. I wasn't disappointed! The cover says "Complete Guide", and it doesn't lie -- every detail a person could need to find every secret in the game is in this book, and even an individual like me who cannot read Japanese well found it incredibly useful. Just the maps alone make this a worthy purchase.
アニメにはまってから今回の漫画を買いました。ゲームをやっていなくてアニメのこれからが気になっていたので良かったのかな? 絵はアニメに比べると柔らかくて可愛かったかと。好きずきですけどね。ハセヲがあんまりつんつくしすぎてなくて読みやすいかと。