Frankenstein [数量限定 / 国内仕様盤] (PCDT17472)
ダニー・ボイル監督『フランケンシュタイン』映画のサウンドトラックです。 で、アンダーワールド、カールとリックの音楽の出来は……それなりにいいです。 おそらく殆んどの人は「退屈だ」という感想を持つでしょう。僕はアンダーワールドでは『オブリヴィオン・ウィズ・ベルズ』のような退屈感や多彩なテクノ作品が好みなので好きになれました。 なるべく大音量で聴いたほうがいいと思います。そのほうが荘厳かつ美しいサウンドを実感できますので。 冒頭の曲は17分あるのでここでギブアップしてしまうかたもいるでしょう。ただじっくり聴けば聴くほどいいです。 この作品はあきらかにリスナーを選びますね。僕はこういう妙な音楽が好きです。なお限定品らしいので欲しいかたは迷わずどうぞ。

フランケンシュタイン (光文社古典新訳文庫)

フランケンシュタイン Hi-Bit Edition [DVD]

Frankenstein (Penguin Classics)
Victor grew up reading the works of Paracelsus, Agrippa, and Albertus Magnus, the alchemists of the time. Toss in a little natural philosophy (sciences) and you have the making of a monster. Or at least a being that after being spurned for looking ugly becomes ugly. So for revenge the creature decides unless Victor makes another (female this time) creature, that Victor will also suffer the loss of friends and relatives. What is victor to do? Bow to the wishes and needs of his creation? Or challenge it to the death? What would you do?
Although the concept of the monster is good, and the conflicts of the story well thought out, Shelly suffers from the writing style of the time. Many people do not finish the book as the language is stilted and verbose for example when was the last time you said, “Little did I then expect the calamity that was in a few moments to overwhelm me and extinguish in horror and despair all fear of ignominy of death.”
Much of the book seems like travel log filler. More time describing the surroundings of Europe than the reason for traveling or just traveling. Many writers use traveling to reflect time passing or the character growing in stature or knowledge. In this story they just travel a lot.
This book is definitely worth plodding through for moviegoers. The record needs to be set strait. First shock is that the creator is named Victor Frankenstein; the creature is just “monster” not Frankenstein. And it is Victor that is backwards which added in him doing the impossible by not knowing any better. The monster is well read in “Sorrows of a Young Werther,” “Paradise Lost,” and Plutarch’s “Lives.” The debate (mixed with a few murders) rages on as to whether the monster was doing evil because of his nature or because he was spurned?

フランケンシュタイン [DVD] FRT-275