Beautiful Tribute to Van Gogh - best pop song in the World

Beautiful Tribute to Van Gogh - best pop song in the World

Vincent Willem van Gogh (30 March 1853 -- 29 July 1890) was a Dutch Post-Impressionist artist. Van Gogh spent his early adult life working for a firm of art dealers. After a brief spell as a teacher, he became a missionary worker. He did not embark upon a career as an artist until 1880. He produced more than 2000 works, including around 900 paintings and 1100 drawings and sketches, during the last ten years of his life. Most of his best-known works were produced in the final two years of his life, during which time he cut off part of his left ear following a breakdown in his friendship with a friend. After this he suffered recurrent bouts of mental illness, which led to his suicide. The central figure in Van Gogh's life was his brother Theo, who continually and selflessly provided financial support. Listen to the orchestral backup of this song - it's simply enchanting.
@kirikorikiriko 時効警察めっちゃ好きやわあああ\(^o^)/! 誰にも言いませんよカード!(笑)

@satoxie えっ 時効警察、いつやりゆう???


@Murakamisan0526 むっちゃ綺麗やない? 時効警察の時のキャラ大好き

時効警察のロケ地巡りする 絶対するのだ( •∨•○)


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