The Three Degrees - When Will I See You Again (HQ) |Christmas TOTP '74|

The Three Degrees - When Will I See You Again (HQ) |Christmas TOTP '74|

TOP OF THE POPS (25.12.1974) -- part 7 of 12. Introduced by Jimmy Savile and Tony Blackburn.
NowPlaying LAT.43°N〜forty-three degrees north latitude〜 - DREAMS COME TRUE #NowPlaying

RT @villabone: #ff the three amigos, the three degrees, the three wise men, three top guys and top #avfc lads @Cashy82 @BrummyBoy187 @ashleyy81210

By the time I'm 27 I plan to have three degrees working on my fourth...the more behind my name the more money in my bank accounts.

You got three degrees and you are still biding your time till they come in handy..

RT @JordanElizStan: I wish I felt good. Sixty-three degrees is perfect for a road run! ⛄

I'm no Weatherman, but I'd say it's about two or three million degrees outside.

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Batak Dog
リリカルなのは StrikerS
The Seeker
