Brego - top speed 51 km/h - Flat Coated Retriever X Border Collie

Brego - top speed 51 km/h - Flat Coated Retriever X Border Collie

Brego is a 4 year old Flat Coated Retriever X Border Collie. This is how our dog gets his training. On typical day he gets lots of hiking and walks and exercise. And nothing seems to get him burn out. He likes to race cars (not chase) and he always asks for this (on video). Safety First. This road is closed with no traffic.
Peter Burke: bloodhound, Elizabeth Burke: irish setter, Neal Caffrey: flat-coated retriever, Mozzie: pug

@CiaoBrittany A flat coated retriever mix this is her :3

No, really. Bitches. As in female dogs. Loki is a Flat-Coated Retriever.

If anyone is interested in adopting a flat-coated retriever (just like our pup, Indie) we have a friend that has one. male/80lbs #fb

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