London Olympics it's 007 (James Bond) and The Queen

London Olympics it's 007 (James Bond) and The Queen

Check it out In this video , craig escorted the Queen from the Buckingham Palace to a helicopter. two actors dressed as the Bond and the Queen then skydived into the Olympic stadium!
RT @Mob_Life_007: look at me nowwww, im onn twitterrr.

RT @GhettoToEnglish: "Kobe!" = I have directed a paper ball towards a garbage disposal and it so happened to enter.

obviously it is serious if you text me at 1pm today saying "we need to talk"

WTF , is up w/ that new Nicki Minaj video ?

"@TheDailyPrayers: Delight yourself in the LORD & he'll give you the desires of your heart. ~Psalm 37:4"

"@TheDailyPrayers: Be strong & take heart, all you who hope in the LORD. ~Psalm. 31:24"

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