Battle Tycoon: Flash Hiders SFX [バトルタイクーン] Game Sample - SNES/SFC

Battle Tycoon: Flash Hiders SFX [バトルタイクーン] Game Sample - SNES/SFC

Original Air Date: September 19th, 2008 Typically called simply "Battle Tycoon", this is a pretty cool fighting game from Right Stuff, the creators of titles like Blue Forest Monogatari and Alnam no Kiba. The game has conventional versus fighting, but it also has a career mode of sorts where you can build a character's stats while fighting and purchase items and move upgrades for them while enjoying light RPG elements and a general story for each character. It's a sort of successor to the PC Engine CD game (which was lighter in the fighting but boasted impressive cutscenes and spoken dialogue, or the "norm" for PC Engine CD games). This is a short video that shows some fighting and career stuff in a representative style. Enjoy.
@godlibra108 タイクーンいいよねー!ハレルヤも好きだけど!てかサウンドホリックさん好きー!

@uzimiya2145 最新の追加分は歌なしばっかだからイマイチやる気がおきません・・・ カーニバルとかタイクーンとか良曲だよねー



打鍵力鍛える為にタイクーンやりまくろうか あれなら全体的に力つきそう

@uzimiya2145 プギャー(^q^) タイクーンはやっとけ!

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