イギリスのエレクトロニカ・ダンス・ミュージックの雄、Fatboy Slimによる
this live dvd brought me back to that day, that colour of the lights and of the holizon, of the beach, of the clouds, of the winds, of the sunlight and sunset...the voices, the happiness, the feeling of the love of life, all together with the affection into every minute of sound, tune and the music...and life. I was lucky to be there and share the taste of happiness of life...and music.... (i was living in Brighton/Hove at that time when I was living apreparing while writing proposal just before start 2nd master degree study at Sussex university, school of leagl studies as full time graduate foreign student from Tokyo Japan)(i bought and firstly watched this dvd while ago.. but now i could post finally without any pc problmes!!).