During this past weekend at the 2010 Tokyo Animation Fair, Toei Animation has announced plans to reboot Gaiking (大空魔竜ガイキング) into a CG/live action film.
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[HD 720p] スターオーシャン1FD:イセリア化 ガブリエル
Star Ocean 1 First Departure ~ Ethernalize Gabriel □RANK: UNIVERSE □CWCHEATを使ってHPを330万に変更してプレイしてみました。UNIVERSEなので 660万...
Guns N' Roses - Live at the Ritz - 1988 - Full concert
"The original fab five bad boys of rock n roll have their finest hour on February 2, 1988 at the Ritz in NYC. They perform their best songs off their classic...