Welcome Messages from Franca
Footbank.net - For all football freaks 世界最大のサッカープレーヤー専用サイトサッカーフリークからプロのサッカープレイヤーまで全ての人に向けたサービスです。ブラジル代表として世界の舞台やJリーグで大活躍したフランサ氏と共にスタートしたFootbank。Footbankに登録することで世界のサッカークラブやスカウトマンからのオファーのチャンスがあります。自分のプロフィールを作成しコンディションや試合結果をパソコンやスマートフォンから記録することで技術の発達やモチベーションの向上を私たちがサポートします。 毎日一歩、世界へ近づく、コンディション管理からメジャーでのプレイチャンスまで Footbankと共に充実したサッカーライフをお送りください。
レオ&ライナ 07.06.09 ナゴヤドーム D-Stage Live!
6/9 D-Stage Live! でのレオとライナのダンスです。 変なナマモノが時たま映りこんでますが、気になさらないで下さい。
[SoulAnime] Anime Meets Super Mario Bros. Episode 1 of 4 -Director's Cut-
Note # 01: Each "episode" is a separate amv and you don't have to watch them in any particular order since nothing continues from each episode.(Unless you count the urusei Yatsura scenes in episodes 3 and 4) Note # 02: The AMVs are just a tribute to Super Mario music and don't actually have the Mario Bros in the video as a crossover. I wanted to state this since some people get the wrong idea from the video's title. The Anime Meets Super Mario Bros. series is a 4 part amv series with the first 3 being an amv tribute to the super mario drum covers by Vadrum and the 4th one being an amv tribute to various DDR mixes of Super Mario. The first versions of the series was released in 2009 and after various changes and adjustments I now present the new 2012 Director's Cut and this time it truly is the FINAL update. Those who been on my old channel might have seen version 2.0 of this amv series but you better look again cause A LOT has changed since then. XD I know I originally said 2.0 was gonna be the final update to the series, but there was still quite a bit of things I wasn't satisfied with in those versions so I decided to release a new director's cut of them. All episodes of the series have updates but the most major ones are in episodes 3 and 4 (remix) To add more Mario fun to the amvs, various sound effects from the first 3 games and Mario 64 are in the video at random parts. I purposely only used a small amount of sounds in each episode since I want the main focus on the ...
That's Why I Love Formula One.
Сomp about the quickest of sports and most expensive, dramatic, dangerous sport in the world. Formula 1 - is the limit of speed and engineering. Every boy's dream. "If you not racing for the gap, then you are not a racing driver" - 'Ayrton Senna. 'TS Video © | . 'V №49 • Made by Timur Sharafeev (theMysticalTS) • Vkontakte - vkontakte.ru • YouTube - www.youtube.com • Facebook - www.facebook.com
上を向いて歩こう / めちゃモテ・トランペット ソロ譜デモ演奏
★トランペットプレイヤーのための、新しいソロ譜"めちゃモテ・トランペット"シリーズのデモ演奏です。www.winds-score.com タイトル:上を向いて歩こう演奏:閏間健太編曲:萩原 隆/小林 真人伴奏CD付楽譜はこちら: brass.winds-score.com 1960年代、日本だけでなく、ヨーロッパ、アメリカでも大ヒットを記録した、坂本九が歌った日本を代表するポピュラー・ソング。作詞は永六輔氏、作曲は中村八大氏。 東日本大震災後、この曲がクローズアップされ、復興応援ソングとして人気が再燃。さらに2011年夏公開のスタジオジブリ「コクリコ坂から」では、挿入歌としてこの『上を向いて歩こう』が使用されることとなり、話題となりました。今回のめちゃモテ・シリーズでは、陽気でゆったりとしたリズムで楽しんでいただけるレゲエ調にアレンジしてみました。 ======================================================== "めちゃモテ・トランペット"のご購入は、 日本国内の有名楽器店、またはウィンズスコア ウェブサイトでご購入できます。 www.winds-score.com ========================================================
Kokoro Library OST - Tsuki wa Miteru
Romaji Tsuki akari no michi Nobotta oka no ue Mejirushi no ishi ni suwari Jibun to yakusoku shita Kekkou honki datta na "Nozomu mono ga aru Sono hi ni tameni yume o mochi tsuzukeyou, zutto" Bokutachi ga nishi e mukae wa, tsuki mo nishi e arukidasu no sa Bokutachi ga waza to tachi tomare wa, tsuki mo tachi tomaru Itsudemo boku o miteru Bokutachi ga waza to tachi tomare wa, tsuki mo tachi tomaru Kagen no tsuki yoru ni Hanbun no otsuki-sama Te ga todoki sou de Isshoni ni asobitai to omotta Te ga todoki sou de "PAPA, otsuki-sama totte!" to nedattara Nagai hashigo mochi dashi Yama no teppen ni tatete kureta Nagai hashigo mochi dashi Kaze ni nagare, toki ni nagare PAPA wa, ima wa, sora ni sunderu Tsuki no michi kake mitai ni Shiawase mo ookiku nattari chiisaku nattari suru Bokutachi ga nishi e mukae wa, tsuki mo nishi e arukidasu no sa Bokutachi ga waza to tachi tomare wa, tsuki mo tachi tomaru Itsudemo boku o miteru Mitete kureru English Following the moonlit path to climb to the top of the hill I made a promise to myself as I sat atop a stone-carved sign It was with all of my heart, too: "There's something you're wishing for So, until the day it comes true, you have to keep holding on to your dreams" We set out towards the west, because the moon travels west across the night sky And if we were to stop short of our goal, the moon would stop too It's always watching over me On a night of the waning moon A Mr. Half-Moon looks as though it's about to land in my hands-- I thought ...