5 Minute Gyaru Hair Tutorial #2 - Liz Lisa style
Hello everyone, this is my second video in my 5 Minute Hair Tutorial series! I decided to make a cute Liz Lisa styled hairdo :) For more info and pictures of the finished hairdo, there will a post on my blog soon @ www.suiprincess.com I hope you'll like it. Sorry for the bad quality, I just got a new Cam, so the next videos will hopefully look better than this! SuiPrincess Songs ひよこ豆 - 12/03/31 ひよこ豆 - かえる

The Winner of the AKB48 General Election, Yuko Oshima's Inauguration Speech
The inauguration speech of Yuko Oshima, a memeber of AKB48 Team K, who was elected as #1 in the AKB48 General Election.

DNS Changer - how not to lose your internet connection on July 9
Understanding and avoiding the DNS Changer (aka DNSChanger) 'internet blackout' on July 9. Paul Ducklin of Sophos explains what's going on, and how to avoid trouble, in this easy-to-follow video. Learn more on the Naked Security site at nakedsecurity.sophos.com and nakedsecurity.sophos.com

新・太鼓の達人 ミュージックリボルバー(裏)
Player:よしわさん(東京) ミュージックガンガンよりあの曲が太鼓に収録です。 解禁からわずか一時間でフルコンしてくださいました。 世阿弥さんらしい曲ですね。 よしわさん関連動画 www.youtube.com