古内東子 / 逢いたいから (pv)
1993年 2nd single 作詞・作曲:古内東子 編曲:遠藤亮Piano:島健 A.guitar:吉川忠英 E.guitar:土方隆行 Drums:江口信夫 Bass:美久月千晴 Percussion:浜口茂外也 Syn.Manipulation:田辺恵二 Additional Production:遠藤亮

【TAS】カエルの為に鐘は鳴る in 1:27:43.30 (1/9)
This is an adventure game called Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru, but it looks like a mixture of adventure, action, and RPG. It is a funny, cool, and unique game. The title of the game means "For the Frog the Bell Tolls". It was released only in Japan. The major characters are the Princes called Sabure and Richard. You will play with the Prince Sabure in his quest to save the Mille-Feuille Kingdom from Delaling. The Prince Richard is known as one of the characters who make their appearance on The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening.