熊本市が20番目の政令指定市に 市内大盛り上がり(12/04/01)
熊本市が1日、全国で20番目の政令指定市になり、大勢の市民が誕生の瞬間を祝いました。 ・・・記事の続き、その他のニュースはコチラから! [テレ朝news] www.tv-asahi.co.jp

The 11:11 Phenomena
Recognizing a number every once in a while or on purpose is not part of the 11:11 Phenomena. The 11:11 Phenomena occurs when you start to see the time 11:11 or a variation of it such as 11, 111, 1111, etc more often than chance or coincidence would allow. Confirmation bias does happen to some people but there are thousands, if not more, of people who see 11:11 all over the world and not all of them are looking or searching for a meaning to put behind seeing 11:11. My suggestions if you see 11:11: Read all that you can about the 11:11 phenomenon but keep in mind that you might have to look to yourself to find the answers you are curious about and that the 'advice" of others may not be for you. Talk with others who see 11:11. Keep a journal to record every time you see 11:11 and also record what mood you were in, what you were doing, what you were thinking, etc. Do not believe in every theory tossed at you. Do not listen to people who say you are crazy just because you see 11:11. Consider meditating at 11:11 or saying a small prayer if you think it would help. Do not hesitate to ask others for help such as your friends, spiritual teachers and partners or even your spirit guide. Do not attach false meanings to your 11:11 experience. If you would like to ask questions then please send me an email. There are no experts when it comes to 11:11 but if you have a question I'll help you the best I can.

Rockman EXE 5 DS Twin Leaders -0001- START!
Yet another game, but this I plan to upload as I play this one, well until FF Type-0 comes out, damn they delayed the release date 2 weeks. DX The reason I choose the Japanese name for the title is because it's shorter. Disgaea 4, ICO & Shadow of the Colossus HD re-release, Tales of Xillia, Dark Souls, Kirby's Return to Dreamland and 7th Dragon 2020 can wait but Type-0 not XD