A Duet With Siri (iPhone 4s Song)
Song A Day #1019 www.jonathanmann.net Songatron, my App itunes.apple.com Download this song: jonathanmann.bandcamp.com Check out my website: jonathanmann.net Buy music/goodies: music.jonathanmann.net Vote for my songs: vote.jonathanmann.net Rate my songs: rate.jonathanmann.net Request a song: jonathanmann.net Read my blog: blog.jonathanmann.net Subscribe on Facebook: www.facebook.com Like on Facebook: www.facebook.com Follow on Twitter: twitter.com Google+: bit.ly Call me and leave a message: (510) 402-6081

"Ojamajo Doremi DOKKAN" for Sega Pico. ( おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン )
Second Pico import game I got. This time I did my own video editing, although based off of SeanieB's style. (I seem to have some minor audio sync issues. eh.) The game seems to run off the same engine as Precure, and shares a lot of resources. This might become a trend in the Bandai games...