Musashi no Ken 1 (1/3)
Episode 1 This series follows a young boy as he tries to be the best Kenshi (person who does Kendo) in Japan. Of course, it doesn't come easy... This version does have English subtitles, though they really aren't that good. But it's not hard to understand what's going on.

介紹死海,在以色列的右邊,約旦河的末端。很多人只知道它的名字,不知道它在哪裏。 它是世界上鹽分濃度含量最高的湖泊,可以漂浮在死海海面上看書看報紙呢!!! 不過現在死海的面積快速縮減,是因為地球暖化呢?還是人類無止境地的貪婪所導致的呢?

Ultima Online :牧羊スキルで古代竜撃破(完全版)
ニコニコ版[sm733390]もよろしく。 牧羊スキルを用いた古代竜撃破の動画です。 収穫地から撃破完了までのダイジェストを含む完全版。