Buson's 'Spring wind on the Kema Bank' 蕪村『春風馬堤曲』朗読

Buson's 'Spring wind on the Kema Bank' 蕪村『春風馬堤曲』朗読

Yosa Buson (1716-84) is a master of poetry and literati style painting. He was born near Osaka, and as a young man went to Edo (now Tokyo), where he studied Haikai and painting. Sometimes he stayed in towns in north Kanto, and travelled Tohoku region. He lived in Kyoto with his wife and a daughter, where he raised his poetry and painting.
江戸時代の俳人・与謝蕪村の有名な俳句は「春の海○○○○のたりのたりかな」?(文タイ)→ ひねもす 与謝蕪村の有名な俳句は「五月雨や○○○○○○○○」?(文並)→ 大河を前に家二軒 辞世の句「白梅に明くる夜ばかりとなりにけり」

江戸三大俳人 松尾芭蕉、与謝蕪村、小林一茶

はぜつるや水村山郭酒旗ノ風 ( 服部嵐雪「虚栗」) 鯊釣や鼻をごめきて百とよむ( 炭 太祇「俳諧新選」) 沙魚釣の小舟漕ぐなる窓の前( 与謝蕪村「蕪村句集」)


【文】与謝蕪村の有名な俳句は「○きのふの空のありどころ」? 【凪】 A.いかのぼり

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