[不定期実況] GEARS OF WAR Act,5-1

PS2版『サムライスピリッツ』 千両狂死郎 (難易度MVS、天草ハメ)
Game system and packaging design which are contained in this animation: SNK CORPORATION (C)1993 (C)SNK PLAYMORE 「NEOGEO」「サムライスピリッツ」は(株)SNKプレイモアの登録商標です。 Game play data of this animation: (C)2012 OHR(YouTube ID: OHRNT). ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. *Recording and a show of this play animation are the act allowed by "Copyright Act" of Japan. And not for commercial use. *Embedding to a commercial website is forbidden. *"Cache" of the purpose of viewing and listening to a YouTube animation player is permitted. However, other download acts are not accepted. *Although mechanical automatic fire equipment may be used for a shooting game, all my game plays are "Non-Tool-Assisted". This animation is a play animation of PlayStation 2 "SAMURAI SHODOWN" ARCADE MODE. Package is Japanese version "SAMURAI SHODOWN ANTHOLOGY". It is playing with real machine (SCPH-75000 CW). It is a play in a difficulty setup "MVS". A use character is "KYOSHIRO SENRYO". Since it played for the first time several days ago, it is unskilled. (TT) It counted from the first play and was able to greet ending by no-continuing at 8th play. Please see laughing it as "no good and poor". Please look at following for details. (Japanese) ■この動画について■ ※この動画は日本国 著作権法で許されている非営利目的での録画と上映・上演です。 ※この動画を商用目的のWebサイトへの埋め込みとYouTubeプレイヤーでの視聴目的以外でのダウンロードを禁止します。 ※STGのみ機械的な連射機能を用いる場合があるが、私のプレイ動画 ...

Part 1 - Babbitt Audiobook by Sinclair Lewis (Chs 01-05)
Part 1. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Mike Vendetti. Playlist for Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis: www.youtube.com Babbitt free audiobook at Librivox: librivox.org Babbitt free eBook at Project Gutenberg: www.gutenberg.org Babbitt at Wikipedia: goo.gl View a list of all our videobooks: www.ccprose.com