自分が閃光玉のやり方を忘れたときのための動画ですw あまり参考にならないと思いますがUPさせていただきました><; 音声が入ってませんが気にせずに。。。 ブログはこちら↓ ameblo.jp ©CAPCOM CO., LTD. 2007, 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra, Part1
Benjamin BRITTEN: The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra, Op. 34 Part 1 The conductor is Michael Tilson Thomas Britten's theme is taken from Purcell's "The Moor's Revenge This is the London Symphony Orchestra

Kuroshitsuji AMV - 灰と雨
My 3rd AMV... Surprise, surprise; Kuroshitsuji again. I had some day offs and got this finished. I really spent time in making this, though I get the feeling something's still missing... Well, art can satisfy you but there is still left people who disagree with you. That's the way the cookie crumbles. ~ Kuroshitsuji © 枢やなSong © D'espairsRay - Hai to ame (ashes and rain) Video © Chinek ~ Lyrics translation: birds that have lost all their colour dance in the obsolete rubble and grey sky like when one remembers vertigo, the dazzling light that has disappeared drove everything mad... you, whose voice has dried up, wander begging... with eyes that seem to be breaking along with your slender arms held down with force, robbed even of your wishes hands, held up in the sky, touched the vast land fleetingly... the blooming flowers in the sky scatter towards the end of sorrow, as rains of compassion fell now, a singing voice echoes from you who are inaudible... an unreachable wish... the lust of endless humanity eats away deeply at the sun... this world is now... helpless, I stood stock still thus... who should I tell about this pain? I was crying out from my heart... bound by darkness in the midst of my faint memories... only a smiling you is left the flowers dancing in the wind forever colour you... your radiance now lights up at the end of this road... if there's a tiny hope, let us continue to sing... reaching... sacrifices pile up under these hands, as the grief of tears now ...

Winter Rain 即興演奏上田紗奈衣
Piano improvisation by Sanae Ueda('・ω・`) On air from NICO-NICO LIVE Dec. 30, 2010 Sanae Ueda Tokyo JAPAN / Composer,Arranger, Sound creator and the Producer of the idols in Akihabara Awesome!!! But...she is NOT a Pianist! Playing the piano is just her hobby. NICONICO Live is also her hobby. She is creator & producer of A-POP! (A-POP: Akihabara Electric POP music) She has exposed to music and learned composing technique by herself since 2 years old, and now working in Akihabara. She creates and plays music instantly by feelings or request from audience. High quality of expression & inprovisation with mysterious & charming character attracts audience to her world. Introduction of her CD at www.denpanosekai.com Released CD and Samples at profile.ameba.jp Job-offer and message at musicby-su.com .