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Thexder [Game Arts, 1985] - Thexder

Thexder [Game Arts, 1985] - Thexder

Famicom version. This is the greatest piece of music from FC/NES in my opinion. Thexder was originally released for the NEC PC-8801 in '85, this port comes from the same year. This is the only track in the game, it's about ~50 seconds and loops over & over. But it's so amazing that I just won't get tired with it. This is what video game music can be at it's best, a theme so powerful that you won't ever forget it. And last, believe it or not, this is my grandmothers favourite music of all time. She describes this as "yliveto-mainio", which is a very funny way of saying something is really good. Closest translation I can think is: "Over the top brilliant". I wish she'd have internet connection to listen this video here. =)
@dragoner_JP 私、今39ですけどシルフィードもテグザーも88でやったクチですよ。MD版はやったことないです。

@tapuo ザナドゥ、ロマンシア、ハイドライド、イース、ヴァリス、レリクス、テグザー…。

@zekewanta ゲイモスとかテグザーとか3Dウガウガ!?コスモジェネシスとか(;´Д`)全部割った気がする

@00riro00 なんつーか、お互いテグザーといいSASAといい、結局ロボットかよ!みたいなw

@GAUZE1984 キミのクジ運は『テグザー』で尽きてるよw

@delta16v SRは持ってました。テグザーというゲームの為に8001から乗り換え

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