Justin Bieber vs Beethoven -Epic Rap Battles of History #6
Click to Tweet this Video: clicktotweet.com New ERB merch: bit.ly Download this song: bit.ly Subscribe to Alex Farnham!! (Justin Bieber) www.youtube.com Hi. My name is Nice Peter, and this is an Epic Rap Battle of History. I couldn't make these without you, and without the help of many wonderful and talented people. Special thanks to Ceciley Jenkins and her incredible makeup skills: www.youtube.com Production Coordinator: Aaron Zaragoza PA: Amy Brown Audio Engineer: Dante Cimadamore Awesome old broken piano provided by: Collins Piano Service, Santa Monica, CA www.CollinsPianoService.com Custom Beat Produced by Taylor Lipari http tweet him say hi: twitter.com I hang out here: www.youtube.com www.facebook.com www.twitter.com This rap was recorded using a Shure Sm7 microphone, Logic, and Protools. see you soon, -nice peter

どうも、瓜生新吾です今月もうやらないと言っていたのにやって来ちゃいましたw 今回は3人チームで、はぐるまさんとはぐるまさんの友達の宮村みやこさんと組んでの戦闘ですはぐるまさんの初手ミサイルがとても心強い! こっちも動き易すぎて涙が出てきそうですねw 今回の反省点はリロード時間をあまり見ていないところでしたねショットガン使えば相手をダウンさせられたところもあったのでこれはもったいなかった・・・