茨城空港 ★隣の滑走路におりちゃったよ★ ~管制指示21R⇒21Lに誤着陸~
It landed at the runway unlike the instructions of the controller 2012年4月22日。JA73NE SKY795便搭乗前に撮影していました。 着陸した白い滑走路が21L、手前の黒い滑走路が21R。 左が北です。 1便前の神戸からの186便別にアップしていますので、そちらと滑走路の色の違いを見てください。 神戸便21Rだったので何で使い分けるのか不思議でした。 煙で視界が悪くなってきてたのでその影響かと。 展望デッキでの撮影です。 795便搭乗前に見ようとすると時間的にもストレスの溜まる展望デッキだけになってしまいます。 SKY褒めていたのに・・・残念

A short promoting video to the JH-7 demonstration at the 2008 Zhuhai Airshow. The JH-7 / FBC-1 "Flying Leopard" is one of the world's best strike aircraft and is certainly the most advanced in Asia. With the induction of the JH-7A and the flight of the stealth JH-7B in 2008, the JH-7 family is now the most advanced strike aircraft in the world. The JH-7A is said to be successfully penetrate AEGIS aerial defense systems. Designed for anti-ship, anti-surface, high-speed long-range supersonic strikes, cruise missile attacks, and much more, it is a world power to be reckoned with. SPECIFICATIONS: - Speed: Mach 1.75 - Combat radius: 1760 km - Range: 3700 km - Service altitude: 16000 m - Weapon bomb loading: 9 tonnes - Hardpoints: 11 COMPARABLE AIRCRAFT: JH-7B: - F-22 Raptor - F-35 Lightning II JH-7: - F-15E Strike Eagle - Sukhoi Su-34 - Panavia Tornado - F-111

Wild ARMs Twilight Venom 01 - Part 1/3 - Sub Eng
Wild ARMs TV episode 1 "Sleeping Dirty" - Part one of three - Subbed - English Episode 1 of 22 Wild Arms: Twilight Venom (ワイルドアームズ トワイライトヴェノム, Wairudo Āmuzu Towairaito Venomu?) is a Japanese animated television series based on the Wild Arms series of video games. The series was animated by Bee Train, and directed by Itsuro Kawasaki and Kōichi Mashimo. All credit to those guys.