大奥Ooku Fan MV
Ooku was a beautiful movie, tragic but beautiful. I made a fan MV of this wonderful movie. I hope you all like it. Enjoy! For more information about this movie, go here: www.eversky.org

Classic Sesame Street - Cab Calloway sings "Hi De Ho Man"
Sesame Street has had guest stars from nearly all eras of the 20th century. It's extremely hard these days to find an entertainer with the impact and talent of someone like "Cabby" Calloway.

佐藤龍一 - なけなしのジョニーのくせにゴージャスな人生で、
佐藤龍一 - なけなしのジョニーのくせにゴージャスな人生で、どうももうしわけありませんでした 2011.7.10.風に吹かれて リアルな歌が聴きたいんだぜベイベーvol.9 佐藤龍一、磯部ともひろ(per) 、佐々木貢(g)