Leah Dizon-Vanilla [Offical PV]
Artist: Leah Dizon Song: Vanilla Property: Victor Entertainment [Offical PV] (Sorry For Poor Quality)

Rozan-ji (廬山寺)Temple and Site of the Residence of Lady Murasaki Shikibu, Kyoto City
Rozan-ji Temple (廬山寺) is located in Kyoto City. Lady Mursaki Shikibu, the author of "Tale of Genji (Genji Monogatari)", is one of the great ancient novelists of the Heian period, lived all her life here in the precincts of the Rozanji Temple. Lady Mursaki's great grandfather, Lord Fujiwara Kanesuke, built a mansion which was known as the mansion of Tsutsumi-chunagon and it was here that she was brought up, led a blissful wedded life, gave birth to an only child and finally in 1031 ended her days at the age of about 59. "Tale of Genji" is considered first novel of the ancient literature. The Rozanji temple itself was built in the year 938 on a hill called Funaokayama situated at the northern outskirs of Kyoto by a great Buddhist priest of eminent sanctity, Ganzan-Daishi. This temple directly belonged to the Imperial Court and it does so even today. Inside the walls of the main prayer hall, there is a photo of Dr. Arthur Waley, a British translator who first translated "Tale of Genji" from Japanese to English and a certificate from British Museum regarding this translation. Hope you enjoy this video.

『ミス・サイゴン』製作発表(歌唱披露)「ブイ ドイ」.wmv
2012年4月9日『ミス・サイゴン』製作発表@めぐろパーシモンホールジョン役・上原理生、男女アンサンブルによる「ブイ ドイ」の歌唱披露の様子をお届けいたします! www.tohostage.com <めぐろパーシモンホール><厚木市文化会館>チケット激賛発売中<青山劇場>6月2日(土)チケット発売開始