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Web 2.0 Summit 09: Sean Parker, "High Order Bit: The Rise of the Network Company"
Sean Parker (Founders Fund), "High Order Bit: The Rise of the Network Company"

~一番偉い人へ~ 美空ひばり、北野武、笑福亭鶴瓶、ダウンタウン、野茂英雄、尾崎豊、甲本ヒロト、SMAP ,DREAMSCOMETRUE、今田耕司、東野幸治、橋下徹、ナインティナイン、バナナマン、ロンドンブーツ1号2号、チュートリアル、ブラックマヨネーズ、タカアンドトシ、高橋克巳、阿部サダヲ、ゆず、水嶋ヒロ、ベッキーほか

【Vocaloid Song Downloads】Nico Nico Douga Utaite Collection II
All these songs are sung by Nodoame (のど飴), he's in my top ten nico utaite favorites list. I think his voice is uber sexy, and his range is amazing, even if it is pitchy sometimes (which is kinda why I like it). His voice reminds me of the lead singer from Janne D'arc...Here is his Nico Nico channel-----www.nicovideo.jp Hooray for throat candy! Song List: opening song "philosophy of precious love" by Hatsune Miku www.nicovideo.jp Corruption Garden-Nodoame (original voice: Megurine Luka) www.nicovideo.jp doukoku no ame-Nodoame (original voice: Granrodeo) www.nicovideo.jp From Y to Y-Nodoame (original voice: Hatsune Miku? I think..) www.nicovideo.jp Romeo and Cinderella-Nodoame (original voice: Hatsune Miku) www.nicovideo.jp Seeker-Nodoame (original voice: Kagamine Rin) www.nicovideo.jp The End of Solitude-Nodoame (original voice: Kagamine Rin) www.nicovideo.jp Tengaku-Nodoame (original voice: Kagamine Rin) www.nicovideo.jp Megu Megu Fire Endless Night-Nodoame (original voice: GUMI) nicosound.anyap.info Download Link--------www.mediafire.com I do not own any of this music, nor have I made money off of anything. These files are for sample purposes only. All music displayed in this video belongs to its respective owners. Please support the artists by purchasing the cd. kkthxbai.