新ゲッターロボ 第1話
第1話 竜馬が行くオンボロ空手道場を営む流竜馬に目をつけ、その力を試すべく三人の刺客を送り込む早乙女。その鬼神の如き戦いぶりを見て、竜馬こそがゲッターロボのパイロットにふさわしいと確信した早乙女は、竜馬の不意をつき麻酔銃で彼を眠らせ、研究所へ連れ帰る。やがて目覚めた竜馬が目にしたものは、伝説の生物・鬼の死体だった! 続きは www.b-ch.com

SNES プリンセスメーカー Story~Title BGM(TV game music「Princess Maker」)
そりゃプリンセスにはならなかったさ。 Sorry, I am not so skilled to English. It was put on the market by animation company GAINAX of Japan in 1991.It was originally put on the market as personal computer "PC-9801" software of Japan. However, it is transplanted to SNES(Super Nintendo Entertainment System) by TAKARA in 1995. This music flows by the story display and the title. The education of the girl who receives it from the spirits of the dead and making to the princess like being in the title are the purposes. It fails roughly because it is difficult. It is the same as the real world not to be able to educate the person well.

GKD010刀剣研磨 甦る日本美

3D Model - SS-NX-30 Bulava SLBM
The Russian developed Bulava (SS-NX-30) SLBM is a currently under development intercontinental-range ballistic missile based on the land based SS-27 Topol missile. The three stage ICBM has an operational range of 8300km and capable of carrying a 6 to 10 MaRV payload.