2002年12月22日(日)。 この時間の天気予報は今でも健在ですね。もう9年半前、「♪いないーなぁー」とか「♪すぐ乗ってすぐ乗ってすーぐ乗った」とかもう懐かしすぎます。

Part 2 - Anne of the Island Audiobook by Lucy Maud Montgomery (Chs 11-23)
Part 2. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Karen Savage. Playlist for Anne of the Island by Lucy Maud Montgomery: www.youtube.com Anne of the Island free audiobook at Librivox: librivox.org Anne of the Island free eBook at Project Gutenberg: www.gutenberg.org Anne of the Island at Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org View a list of all our videobooks: www.ccprose.com

Street Fighter X Tekken -- TGS Trailer
Capcom and Namco collide in a battle of epic proportions. Check out the TGS 2011 trailer for the game.

ADRENALINE MOB - Official Mob Rules Live @ Hiro Ballroom
Adrenaline Mob Live @ The Hiro Ballroom, NYC. June 24th performing the classic Black Sabbath track, The Mob Rules. The entire video was filmed-recorded by Pristine Productions LLC.