Mogwai - "How to Be a Werewolf" Sub Pop Records
Check Out The Incredible New Video For Mogwai's "How To Be A Werewolf" In case you missed it, there is now available for your viewing pleasure a video for an edited version of Mogwai's track "How To Be A Werewolf" off their forthcoming LP Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will (out Feb. 15, 2011 on Sub Pop). The video is an excerpt from the upcoming documentary 30 Century Man directed by Antony Crook who is also responsible for the gorgeous cover art of Hardcore...The documentary centers on James Bowthorpe, the round-the-world champion cyclist who beat the previous record by an epic 20 days. This past summer Bowthorpe found himself in the isolated Norwegian countryside in the middle of a "white" night with director Crook for the film. "We were so far north the sun never set. I wanted the film to somehow give a sense of what James had achieved and the idea of him being alone, somewhere wild and isolated," says Crook. Carrying with him at the time of filming were Mogwai's new demos. Listening to "How To Be A Werewolf" on repeat while driving around looking for shoot locations, Crook says, seemed to fit perfectly with the landscape. When Mogwai saw the footage, the group decided to edit the song, constructing a version exclusively for the film. "We found the perfect backdrop to tell this story of somebody who points his bike at the horizon and then doesn't stop pedaling. It's a film about never giving up," says Crook. www.subpop.com www.mogwai.co.uk www.blanktv.com Mogwai ...

麻雀ドンジャラ(旧バージョン) ~フルーツ牌・麻雀風ゲーム~ 2
1局のゲームを追った動画です。楽しさが少しでも伝われば良いですが。 家族みんなで楽しめる麻雀風ゲームです。 小学生の子供と家族で楽しんでいます。 ビデオ片手にゲームを行った為に、かなり間違った切り方をしていますが(汗) 少しでもゲーム性が分かれば良いかと思っています。 見て分かる通り、分かり易く、初めての子供でもゲームを楽しむ事が出来ます。 かと言って、ゲーム性の浅いゲームではありません。麻雀ほどでは無いにしろ、麻雀に近い感覚でゲームを楽しめるゲームだと思っています。 興味がある方はコメントをいただけると嬉しいです。よろしくお願いします。 ドンジャラとうたっていますが、ドンジャラではありませんし、麻雀に近い誰にでも楽しめるオリジナルの創作麻雀風ゲームです。

変身ベルト DXダークカブトゼクター レビュー
先日、マスコレを1つ買って、ダークカブトMFが出たので、記念にレビューしてみました。 おまけのところ(1:46~2:03)のダークカブトの角は、あわてて曲がってしまいましたw